The goal of Amplify is to support creative activities that promote critical reflection and honest conversation within school communities, enabling all members (whatever their age) to engage with issues that matter to them.

The mini-projects that explore and reflect the important themes within school communities are as follows:

Identity, Kindness, Community, Environment, Wellness and Diversity

The goal of Amplify is to support creative activities that promote critical reflection and honest conversation within school communities, enabling all members (whatever their age) to engage with issues that matter to them. Often issues in wider society such as racism, xenophobia, intolerance can have a profoundly negative impact on students’ everyday experience both in and out of school. It is more important than ever to listen to, and elevate the positive student voices, experiences, and histories of our diverse communities.

The project aims to find stories, resources and ideas and amplify them to a wider audience. The Amplify project will use LGfL’s award-winning range of digital tools to empower ALL student voices to amplify their stories and enable them to be heard by a global audience since we recognise that some students struggle to find their place, or feel like they don’t fit in; knowing that their voice is being heard can help them to see that they’re not alone! LGfL is committed to an inclusive approach for young people to express themselves positively about issues that matter to them through a safe and secure platform online.

The project will be powered by themes (six initially) with examples of how they can be explored. Teachers can use these themes and examples within their school community to inspire students to creativity use LGfL premium digital tools (Adobe Creative Cloud, the Just2easy ToolSuite and Busy Things); creating pieces of media which, once completed will be amplified by LGfL by hosting it on this website. The aim is to amplify the student’s stories and provide legacy resources to be revisited throughout the year and beyond.

Summary Guidance

Use the ideas provided in the subsequent or get creative and think of your own ideas. Once the pupils have completed the project, share with the community using the submission form below (n.b. Teachers are responsible for reviewing the work prior to submission).

Submission Process

The student’s projects can be in any form a piece of text, image (or a series of them) a movie or audio track, but must include the following:

  • Title

  • Category/theme of submission

  • School name

  • Description of student’s work

  • Link to student’s work

NB. It is important to ensure that students’ identities are managed carefully in relation to their contributions and school staff must moderate submissions.

NOTE: Schools and teachers who have submitted material for pupil work are responsible for the content, not LGfL.