theatre studio

The Theatre is a small studio space run by Lexi Sekuless Productions. We present several in-house productions each year and run regular drop-in and shadow-emerge-mentoree programs. The Theatre is available for hire for filming, events, lectures and productions. Rates and specifications are below. 

Dairy Road is on Ngunnawal Country in an area known as Biyaligee. The Ngunnawal, Ngambri and the Ngarigu people are the traditional custodians of the land. It is part of a wonderful precinct and you can find out more about the amazing neighbourhood at 


Building 3.3, 1 Dairy Road Fyshwick ACT 2609. Near Mojo Guitars and Screencraft Media 

Access via entrance 1 and park in P3. The building has a large Screencraft sign and the public entrance is just up from that sign (not underneath it!). Once inside, walk about 5 metres and the theatre is to the right, next to Mojo Guitars.

It can be hard to find your way around this new precinct!

Hire Rates & specifications

Hire Rates

Per hour and Multiple days 

$250 Hire Package

$400 Hire Package

$500 Hire Package

$700 Hire Package