The players

The Theatre at Dairy Road encourages professional practice and celebrates Canberra's emerged creatives. There may not be a huge number of us here and many keep moving out of town but let's celebrate and promote those who are here. This is not about being better than others, it is not about vertical comparisons - it is about the positive exploration of technique and the positive promotion and the horizontal growth of the industry in Canberra. There is room for all of us. 

Below you will find the Players who share this philosophy. You will see them on posters and in shows and best of all, you can join them for a few hours at drop-in sessions or join them permanently and become a Player. The Theatre is not a cosy club. Anyone committed to a professional practice and the growth of the Canberra industry can join. Check out the drop-in page for more information and a long explanation about why auditions suck. 

It is also important to be transparent about casting so it should be public knowledge that several creatives will always be considered automatically. This is a positive and transparent element to the theatre and it's something any emerging creative who share our values can join. 

The Players do a range of creative work. There are actors, singers, costume designers, composers and theatre makers. 


Kathleen Kershaw

Victoria 'Fi' Hopkins



Adele Querol

Rhys Hekimian

Zsuzsi Soboslay

Katerina Smalley

Heidi Silberman

Maxine Beaumont

PJ Williams 

Damon Baudin

Helen McFarlane

Chips Jin

Alana Denham-Preston

Martin Everett

Rachel Howard

Andrea Close

Stefanie Lekkas


Kim Beamish