Meet the Teachers!

Lexington Elementary Instrumental Music Team

Mr. Forman, Band

Primary Instrument: Alto Saxophone

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite song to teach to elementary students: Ancient Trees

Fun Fact: I do magic tricks. Pick a card! 

Ms. Brainard, Strings

Primary Instrument: Violin & Viola

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite song to teach to elementary students: Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Fun Fact: My violin teacher when I was growing up made both my violin AND my viola! 

Mr. Tracy, Band

Primary Instrument: Euphonium

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite song to teach to elementary students: Star Wars Main Theme

Fun Fact: When not teaching, I love to explore the beaches of Massachusetts.

Ms. Tashkandi, Strings

Primary Instrument: 

Favorite Color: 

Favorite song to teach to elementary students: 

Fun Fact: 

Ms. Billings-White, Strings

Primary Instrument: Cello

Favorite Color: GREEN

Favorite song to teach to elementary students: Ode to Joy! It gets stuck in my head every time! 

Fun Fact: I love chocolate everything, I rock climb and I have two French Bulldogs named Bear and Bianca.