Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I find my student's ID and PIN?

A: Please email Hannah Yoo ( with your student's name, school, and date of birth. 

Q: My child has allergies. Can they eat at school?

A: The elementary and middle schools are nut-free. We have allergy procedures in place to accommodate students with allergies. Please email our registered dietitian, Hannah Yoo, with specific questions. We also have nutrition labels and ingredients for our most commonly used items here. Click here to learn about Lexington and Whitsons' food allergy policies. 

Q: What is a reimbursable meal?

A: For breakfast, the three components are milk, fruit, and grains. For lunch, the five components are milk, fruit, vegetable, meat/meat alternative, and grains. In order for the meal to be free, they must take at least three out of the five components for lunch and two out of the three components for breakfast. Otherwise, the food will be rung up as a la carte. Please encourage your students to get all the components for a free, well-balanced meal. 

Q: Where can I add money to my child's account?

A: Click here to create a MySchoolBucks account to add money by credit/debit card. You can also pay by cash or check. You can write out checks to Lexington School Lunch Program; in the memo, please include your student's name, school, and grade. Please send in the money to your child's school to either the main office or they can bring the money to the register. 

Q: If school meals are free, why do I need to add money to my child's account?

A: The first breakfast and lunch meals are free. If your child would like a second meal, that would be an additional cost. We also have a la carte items, such as snacks and beverages, that are not included in the free meal program.

Q: My student's Choosi account is not working, what should I do?

A: Please email and include your student's name, school, and date of birth with the description of the problem.

Q: My student graduated but still has money left in their account. Can I transfer it to my other child or get refunded?

A: Yes, please email one of the managers and they will be able to assist you. Additionally, those funds can be donated to the food services program.

Don't see an answer to a question you have? Email us!