Exam Day
Morning Exams:
Report Time: 7:45am
Report directly to your assigned testing room, sent to you by email.
See the schedule above for anticipated end time for regular time exams.
Lunch: Students will eat lunch in the period after testing, before returning to class for the afternoon.
Extended time students and students taking two tests in a day should bring their lunch from home.
Afternoon Exams:
Report Time 12pm
Report directly to your assigned testing room, sent to you by email.
Students must pre-arrange their own transportation home for all afternoon exams. You will not catch the bus.
See schedule above for anticipated end times for regular time exams. End times for afternoon tests are unpredictable, and may vary from those listed here. Extended time exams will end later.
Lunch: Students will be able to leave class early, so that they have time to eat before testing. Bringing your lunch is recommended, as you will sometimes be eating during the "off" periods.
Make sure to tell your coach or advisor that you will miss practice/games/meetings, if applicable. HHS will not reschedule exams for regular season athletic events. If a conference/county/state tournament is scheduled on your exam day, please reach out to Mrs. Thomson ASAP to discuss options.
Two exams in a day:
You will need to bring a bag lunch. You will have an opportunity to eat (quickly, ~ 15 minutes) in a designated area between exams. You might also consider bringing a "snack lunch" that you can space out and eat during the exam breaks and the break between tests.
Class Attendance Policy On Testing Days:
If you are absent from classes beyond those during your exam time and lunch, you will be marked absent. PLEASE monitor your absences for the year. You don't want to lose credit in a class because you came in late on an AP exam day.
If you intend to leave after your exam, please bring a note from your parent and drop it off at the attendance office in the morning before testing. Course absences for your classes held after exam dismissal and lunch are NOT excused and count towards loss of credit.
You may NOT leave for the day without going through the attendance office. These are considered class cuts. If you're leaving, follow the procedure above.
All Exams:
Please be ready to go when you arrive! Pencils sharpened, stopped at the restroom, etc. Check the list of what to bring/not bring below. We will begin promptly!
Students cannot be dismissed early. All test takers must remain until all tests are collected and counted.
Students should bring with them only what is necessary for exams. In most testing rooms, we have very little extra space for student belongings.
What to Bring:
Several sharpened No. 2 Pencils with erasers (not mechanical pencils)
Pens (dark blue or black ink only)
Scientific or Graphic Calculator (Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Environmental
Science, Statistics, Physics only) - be sure yours meets the requirements. No calculators will be provided.
4-Function Calculator (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics) - Here are some Amazon links to acceptable calculators, if you can't find one in your kitchen junk drawer: Casio-HSVA, Amazon Basics Desktop Calculator, TI-503 Calculator
A ruler - for Physics tests that allow a ruler. No protractors allowed.
Chromebook and power cord - for English Lit, US History, European History, World History, Computer Science Principles and all language tests ONLY
Photo ID (if you are not an HHS student)
A watch (not a smartwatch) so you can monitor time
Layers of clothing (It could be 80+ in the library, or it could be 65. It's unpredictable - but more likely to be hot because there is no air conditioning)
Other necessary items: inhaler, tissues, period products (keep these on your person or in a small bag (e.g. pencil case) that you keep with you). You won't have access to your backpack during the test.
Water/small snack
Bagged lunch - if you have two exams in the same day, or if you have a morning extended time test. You might consider bringing a "snack lunch" that you can eat throughout the day if you are taking multiple tests.
What NOT to Bring:
Backpack/Large Bag - if at all avoidable. If you need to bring it, bring only what's necessary (don't bring things for classes you won't be attending). Note you will not have access to your backpack during the test or break.
Leisure books - You cannot read during the test or break.
Scrap paper - Will be provided for digital tests and not allowed for other tests
Chromebooks (except for specific exams)
Test Prep Books/Class Notes/Textbooks/etc - These can not enter the test room at all. Leave them home.
Cell Phones/Smartwatches - The official College Board policy is no phones in the testing room. Any cell phones, etc. that make it to the testing room will be turned off, collected and returned to you after all exams have been collected. If you don't want us to take it, don't bring it at all.
Mechanical Pencils
Highlighters - they are not permitted
Anything that makes noise
Anything that covers your head (hoodie, hat)
The AP US History, World History: Modern and Computer Science Principles exams will be digital exams.
On test day, you must bring:
your fully charged Chromebook
external mouse (optional)
your College Board username and password
You will use the Bluebook app for testing, which has been loaded to your Chromebook.
Scrap paper will be provided. Do not bring your own.
Click here to watch a video previewing the digital testing experience. It is strongly recommended that you complete the Preview questions in the Bluebook app when they become available in April. While these are not scored, it will allow you to practice using the tools within the app.