Exam Day

Morning Exams: 

Afternoon Exams: 

Two exams in a day: 

You will need to bring a bag lunch. You will have an opportunity to eat (quickly, ~ 15 minutes) in a designated area between exams. You might also consider bringing a "snack lunch" that you can space out and eat during the exam breaks and the break between tests.

Class Attendance Policy On Testing Days:

All Exams:

What to Bring:

What NOT to Bring:


The AP US History, World History: Modern and Computer Science Principles exams will be digital exams.

On test day, you must bring:

You will use the Bluebook app for testing, which has been loaded to your Chromebook.

Scrap paper will be provided. Do not bring your own.

Click here to watch a video previewing the digital testing experience. It is strongly recommended that you complete the Preview questions in the Bluebook app when they become available in April. While these are not scored, it will allow you to practice using the tools within the app.