Season Recap 2023-2024

This season has been a wild ride, but it is not over for us yet! We spent the first few weeks of the season making cardboard prototypes or our design, but we slowly began adding component until we created something that resembled a working robot. At Qualifier 1 in Canton, we won the Inspire Award and secured our spot at Massachusetts State Championship. Furthermore, we identified flaws in our design for future improvement.  After Qualifier 1, we completely redesigned our outtake mechanism to be able to score mosaics more effectively. At Qualifier 2 we saw massive improvements in our robots performance and were confident the design would be sufficient for states. At states, We finished in 6th place and unfortunately didn't get selected for the eliminations round. However, our engineering portfolio and outreach initiative impressed the judges and we ended up winning the Inspire Award, securing our spot at Worlds. 

MA Rocket Rumble 5.1 (Qualifier 1)

Massachusettes State Championship

Houston World Championship

Think Award 3rd Place