School Innovation Plans & Annual School Report Cards

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LPS organizes planning and innovation through a multi-year district strategic plan established in 2019. The final plan and our subsequent two-year school and department Innovation Plans are centered around 4 strategic objectives: (1) Address and Narrow Equity Gaps, (2) Redefine Success, (3) Cultivate Student Agency and (4) Innovate for Sustainable Change. School-based Innovation plans are created by Lexington Site Councils and are designed to satisfy the School Improvement Plan requirements established by the State.  

You can access each of our school's plan below and also on each school website.  Annual school & district "report cards" from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education are also available below. 

LPS 2 Year School Innovation Plans (2024-2026)

Previous school and district goals/plans can be accessed here.

Annual Massachusetts School & District Report Cards

Every year, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education releases a report card for each school and district in the state designed to show parents and community members how a school or district is doing in different areas.