PE at Home

We know how much our students miss being in the we are bringing it to you!

Click on anything in the gym for a fun PE activity. There are 18 in all! Can you find them?

Virtual Gym

Check Out Your Coaches Participating in Field Day Too!

For video demonstrations, click on the videos to the right:

Weekly E-Learning Fitness Challenge

Week 9 PE Activities

Monday, May 18th Beat Sheets

Today we are going to combine dance, rhythm and physical activity. Grab a family member and see how many levels you can perform all together.


-Read the Beat Sheets Key on Page 17 and practice each move

-Start on Level 1 (page 18) Read each movement like you would read a book (left to right)

-Go slow! If you are performing the beat with a partner, try to stay together. The faster you go, the harder it will be.

-Try to perform a beat sheet with everyone in your family OR make up your own beat sheet routine!

Beat Sheets.pdf

Friday, May 22nd

Week 8 PE Activities

Monday, May 11th: Taco Chef Workout

Activity by PE teacher, William Potter.

Friday, May 15th: Teddy Bear Transport


Create 2 lines 10 feet apart. Place a teddy bear between your feet & jump down to the line across from you to score a point. How many points can you score in 1 minute?

Week 7 PE Activities

May the Fourth Be with You! (May 4th PE Lesson)

Check out some amazing videos from a fellow PE teacher, Phys.Ed.Review.

May 8th PE Lesson: Rock Paper Scissor Fitness

Week 6 PE Activities

April 27th PE Lesson: Coin Flip Fitness

coin flip fitness poster.pdf

May 1st PE Lesson: MyPlate Nutrition

What did you eat for dinner this week? Write down what you ate in the correct food groups in the MyPlate diagram below. Color a picture of your own plate. Your goal is to have your plate balanced and include foods from each group.

For more games and activities on nutrition, visit:

Week 5 PE Activities

April 20th PE Lesson: Sock Ball Plank Challenge

Equipment: 3 sock balls and a timer

  1. Get in plank position like you are about to do a push up
  2. Put the 3 sock balls on the floor next to your right hand
  3. Set your timer for 1 minute
  4. Use your right hand to move each sock ball one at a time to sit next to your left hand
  5. Now, use your left hand to move the sock balls back to the right side
  6. Each time you move all 3 sock balls to one side, that equals 1 point.

How many points can you get in 1 minute?

April 24th PE Lesson: Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Set a stopwatch to see how fast you can touch or collect all of these items.

-A toy with wheels

-A book with the first letter of your name in the title

-A pair of matching socks

- Touch 3 different door knobs

-4 things that are green

-Something very soft

-A toy smaller than your hand

-Something round

-A book with a number on it

-A photo of someone you love

-An item you can see yourself in

-An item that makes you feel cozy

-A toy that has 5 different colors

-Your favorite snack food

-2 things that make you happy

Week 4 PE Activities

April 17th PE Lesson: Sock Ball Basketball Challenge

Equipment you’ll need: 5 sock balls and a laundry basket/box

Put your basket on the floor. Create 3 shooting lines:

5 feet away=1 point

7 feet away=2 points

10 feet away=3 points

  1. Set a timer for 1 minute
  2. Shoot your sock ball into the basket and count your points
  3. Shoot your sock ball from a different distance each time

How many points can you get in 1 minute?

April 14th PE Lesson: Pencil Catch Challenge (see video below)

Equipment needed:

-A timer/stopwatch

-A step stool/stairs

-10-15 pencils or pens


Set the timer for 3 minute. Perform 10 alternating toe taps on the step stool. Then, take a pencil and balance it on the back of your hand (horizontally). Toss it gently and try to catch the pencil before it hits the ground. If you caught it, you have 1 point. Perform another 10 alternating toe taps. This time, place 2 pencils on the back of your hand, toss gently, and catch. Repeat the toe taps and pencil catches (adding a new pencil each time) for 3 minutes.

How many pencils can you catch at a time?

Send me your score or a video of you doing the challenge to: