Year 3/4

Years 3/4 Homework Choiceboard for Summer 2

Click here for the Year 3/4 Guide to Home Learning

We have been learning...

English - Year 3: This week in English we started our new text ‘Goose Guards by Terry Deary’. We made predictions based on the front cover and the first few chapters as well as some role play to help us to think about what the characters may have said to each other at different parts in the story.

Year 4: This week we started our new text ‘So you think you’ve got it bad?’ We recreated a front cover and found out about the purpose of biographies and started to plan some of our own.

Maths - Year 3: This week finished our work on angles. We then moved onto our new topic, investigating lines. We found out about perpendicular lines and parallel lines .

Year 4: This week we recapped the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and various methods to solve them.

PE focus for the term - Sports Day events

Forest School: This week we were searching for bugs and creating a bug hotel. Please remember coats and change of shoes for Forest School!

RE: This week we thought about how we gather together for special events with our families and how this helps us to remember them.

History: This week we learnt about Hadrian’s Wall. We learnt about where it was built and why, as well as how. We also thought about life as a soldier building the wall.

Computing: This week we created pixel pictures using Google Sheets. We investigated how to set rules to apply to different cells.

Shawley Community Primary School Project: This week we continued our learning from before half term and thinking about the Queen’s Jubilee. This time however, we thought about what was happening in our local area during different eras of the queen’s reign.