Year 1

Click here for the Year 1 Homework Choiceboard for Summer 2 and here for the Parent guide for home learning in KS1.

We have been learning.....

Writing - What a week! An alien spaceship landed in our classroom! On Tuesday we acted as reporters and wrote questions about the rocket landing. On Wednesday we played a game with a partner, trying to remember the names of each part of the body. We then wrote a description of the alien that landed, Beegu, trying to use lots of wow words in our sentences. At the end of the week we looked at imperative verbs and wrote commands for what to do if you find an alien in our school and we wrote a letter to Beegu to advise him what to do next.

Reading - This week we completed our Phonics screening tests. Everyone tried their best to read the mix of ‘alien’ nonsense words and real words. We are continuing to read in a group , and developing our ability to read with fluency and answer questions about what we have read.

Maths - This week we looked at money. On Tuesday we enjoyed the story of The Great Pet Sale, and familiarised ourselves with coins by making money men and coin rubbings. We then went on to look at the key characteristics of each coin and note and what coins we can use to make different amounts.

Science-This week we started our new topic on seasonal change. We looked at the four seasons and the important features of each season.

PSHE-. We started our new topic 'Changing Me’ and looked at life cycles. We looked at life cycles of various animals and ordered pictures correctly.

RE- We began our unit on ‘What is important to Muslim Families?’ and thought about all of the different groups of people in our lives.

DT- This week we looked at sliders and made our own space pictures with a rocket on a slider moving in space.

Computing- This week we began to identify technology and its uses in the classroom .

Outdoor PE focus for the term - Striking and Fielding