Year 1

Click here for the Year 1 Homework Choiceboard for Summer 2 and here for the Parent guide for home learning in KS1.

We have been learning.....

Writing - This week we have joined Bob on the Moon in the book The Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram. We began the week by writing a character profile, and then organised his day using a story map. We used time adverbials such as next , after that and then to sequence. At the end of the week we looked at planets and had great fun designing our own planets and writing a description of them.

Reading - This week we are carrying on with our reading in groups. Please check their home reading diaries for the new titles that will be available on Collins eBooks.

In phonics we are looking at words with suffixes ed and ing.

Maths - We are revising all of the subjects that we have covered this year so far and identifying any gaps and difficulties that the children may have.

Science - This week we have looked at the weather. We looked at what the weather is like in each season and looked at the weather symbols used for each type of weather. We then had great fun making our own weather wheels and thinking of suitable symbols for each type of weather.

PSHE - We continued our new topic 'Changing Me’. We have looked at changes that have happened in our lives; for example moving house, starting school, starting a club and how we felt.

Design and Technology- We used a variety of materials to make our own spaceships and made an alien using pom poms to go inside.

History - Part of our key stage one coverage is to look at a significant person within our lifetime. We have chosen British astronaut Tim Peake to study and will compare him to Neil Armstrong.

Computing - We are enjoying revising all of the things we have learned this year and having an opportunity to have another look at our favourite programmes.