Who we are 

Danielle Scrase - Executive Director for Inclusion  and Early Years across the Trust. 

Committed to promoting inclusivity across the trust to create an environment where staff are  trained to break barriers and empower individuals to reach their potential. Ensuring staff are trained to identify and address barriers to inclusion, and pathways are reviewed with an inclusive lens. I employ a strategic coaching approach, to empower individuals to develop their leadership skills and foster a deeper understanding of inclusion.

Emma Clark - Trust Principal for Inclusion 

Ensuring that individual children's needs are understood and a curriculum is developed to meet these needs so all children can achieve. In my role as Inclusion Lead, I prioritise understanding each child's unique requirements. With this insight, I develop a curriculum that caters to these specific needs, empowering all children to thrive and achieve their full potential.

Emma Dallimore - Trust Principal for Safeguarding and Early Years 

I Utilise my experience in leadership, safeguarding, and early years education and align this with the Trust’s strategic goals. I am currently directing this towards driving the EYFS strategy and ensuring robust safeguarding practices are in place across the Trust. I strongly believe that education is the cornerstone of a thriving society, and that preparation for an ever changing world is key.

Nicola Smallwood - Trust Director for SEND

Highly skilled SEND expert with extensive knowledge and experience. Providing support and training in identifying SEND requirements, offering strategies to promote well-being and enhance learning outcomes. Nicola's expertise lies in leveraging forensic assessments to diagnose children's needs, ultimately leading to the implementation of impactful support programs.

Njaidso Majasi - Trust SENDCo

As an experienced SENDCo, I leverage my expertise to support colleagues across the Trust. I work collaboratively with academy SENDCos to develop, improve, and embed highly effective practices and provisions for children with SEND within our academies.  Additionally, as a champion for positive mental health, I collaborate with the Inclusion team to support vulnerable children, working together to help them process and express their emotions, equipping them with the tools they need to overcome challenges.

Tonia Webb -  Trust Senior Behaviour Teaching Assistant and Mental Health Leader

A professional specialising in comprehending children's behaviours, creating conducive environments, and implementing strategies to modify behaviours and optimising learning outcomes. Offering training for teachers and teaching assistants on the importance of consistency and pre-empting.

Diane Laing - Senior Family Development Leader 

A passion for supporting parents and families drives me to stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in parenting. I continually seek opportunities for professional development and collaboration with other professionals in the field, ensuring that I am providing the most effective and evidence-based support to the families I serve.