Frequently Asked Questions

What is JROTC?

Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps (JROTC) is an elective class offered for up to four years in high school. It provides academic credit and teaches citizenship, leadership, teamwork and personal responsibility. Students learn about civics, geography, global awareness, health and wellness, language arts, life skills and U.S. History.

What is the SOP?

The SOP stands for Standing Operating Procedures; it contains everything you may/will need to know about The Panther Brigade. Refer to this link for Our SOP.

Do students in JROTC have to join the military?

No, they do not have to join the military. Students who decide to join the military will join at a higher rank. They can also can earn a higher rank in senior ROTC in college. However, there is no obligation to join the military.

How does JROTC help with further education?

Participating in JROTC teaches students about college and other educational employment opportunities. JROTC training improves students' ability to study, take tests, set goals and focus. It stresses leadership, teamwork and effective communication, all skills desired in college students and workers. Students may also be eligible for ROTC scholarships for college.

Does JROTC cadets have to wear uniforms?

Students are asked to wear their uniforms up to five times a semester or if they are going to take part in a special event or ceremony. The rest of the week they wear normal clothing.

Are there special fees for participating in JROTC?

Students in JROTC receive uniforms, supplies, books and other equipment free of charge. There is a fee if student's uniform is lost, damaged or stolen.

Who teaches JROTC?

JROTC programs are often taught by retired Army personnel who have experience working with young people. The Army JROTC program certifies JROTC instructors but the school district hires them.

Cypress Lake JROTC program is taught by Major Paulette B. Provost and CSM Sergio L. Ortega, both retired Army Soldiers who served in various locations throughout the United States and abroad. They also took part in peacekeeping missions, and combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan

How does JROTC prepare students for success after graduation?

JROTC teaches students to think logically and communicat effectively. It helps students understand the importance of graduating high school and introduces them to other educational and employment opportunities.

How does JROTC prepare students for success in life?

The Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program prepares students for leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities and privileges as Americans. Students learn about good citizenship and are encouraged to volunteer in their communities. They develop strong ethical values and principles associated with good citizenship.

What does the acronym LET stand for?

The acronym LET stands for Leadership Education Training: it corresponds to how many years a student has been in the program.

LET I: First Year Cadet

LET II: Second Year Cadet

LET III: Third Year Cadet

LET IV: Four Year Cadet

What are teams offered from JROTC?

The after school teams that are offered after school are extracurricular

After school teams are group activities that tend to take place after school from 2pm - 4pm. There are 6 after school teams total, Regulation Drill Team, Color Guard, Raiders, Rifle Team, Exhibition Drill Team, and Academic Team. The list of teams and their required days and time are listed in the "After School Teams" Page.

After school teams are entirely optional, these teams are to benefit you and your experience in jrotc.

After school teams do not cost any money, but raiders does recommend a good pair of running shoes.