Information on Exam Enquiries and Appeals

If a candidate believes that their exam result is not fair, they must contact their exam centre (brendado@leeschools,net) immediately. The centre can then ask Cambridge for an Enquiry on Results or an Appeal. This page tells you more about both processes.

Enquiry on Results Process

Enquiries on Results must be submitted by the exam centre ( on behalf of the candidate.  Then the candidate will learn more about the process and the fees related to this service. The following Enquiry on Results stages are available:

Candidates considering enquiring should contact their exam centre ( as soon as possible after their results have been released to discuss the Enquiry on Results procedure.

To request a Stage 2 Enquiry on Results, the candidate must have already completed a Stage 1 Enquiry and received an outcome letter.

Enquiry on Results outcomes

The candidate’s grade can go up, go down or remain the same.

If an Enquiry on Results leads to a grade change, Cambridge will refund all enquiry fees, request the return of the original certificate, and issue an updated certificate and statement of results.

If the candidate is not satisfied with the outcome of the Enquiry on Results process, they are entitled to request a formal appeal against their result.

Appeals Process

You must make a Stage 1 appeal in writing. The principal of Cypress Lake High School must sign and support it. Cambridge does not accept appeals directly from parents/guardians or candidates. 

A Stage 1 appeal may only occur after the candidate has already received an Enquiry about Results outcome.

To make a Stage 1 appeal you must show you have a permitted reason for appeal. The reasons Cambridge considers are that either: 

Cambridge will not consider appeals for any other reasons. For example, the following are not enough on their own:

Please contact the Advanced Academics Liaison with questions (