Skills for storing information


During your studies in college you will be provided with a vast array of both written and digital information. Storing and accessing this information will be vital as you complete units and assignments as well as when you need to revise for any tests you may have.

Skills for storing information self assessment

Let's start by seeing what you hope to gain from this page and look at how confident you feel about this skill:

Storing physical information

Written notes and class handouts can be invaluable when you need to work on assignments or revise for you exams. In order for them to be of use not only do they need to be clear and understandable they also need to be stored in some semblance of order.

Consider the use of:

- Different notepads for different subjects

- Dividers between subjects or units

- Noting the dates of any handwritten notes

This should help you find information on subjects, topics you have studied quickly and easily from any physical handouts or written notes you may have made.

If you want any advice or help with organising your notes and work please book yourself in for some study support. One of our dedicated Study Support Officers will happily sit with you to work through helping you get set up for the year ahead. Details of how to do this can be found within the site pages.

Storing digital information

Your college IT account is geared towards providing you with access to both a networked and cloud-based storage. The networked storage is accessible through the computers around college and your cloud-based storage (Google Drive) is accessible through almost any mobile device, or laptop provided you have internet access.

For details about how to access both your college network account and your college Google account read here.

Both of these accounts have storage attached to them that you can use to save information. resources and work in. Which you use could depend on what you are comfortable with using in your personal life or which platform your courses works from... Here are some details about each option:

Networked storage:

- Accessible through the college network on computers

- Limited space though enough for normal usage through an academic year

- All standard Microsoft file types supported

- Can synch with your Google Drive

Cloud storage:

- Available through Google Drive

- Unlimited space whilst enrolled

- Documents are shareable with other students and staff

- Accessible through computers, Chromebooks and your own devices (WiFi and data permitting)

Final skills for storing information self assessment

Finally, let's look at what you have taken away from this page and how confident you feel about assignment writing now: