
Located at Central office by appointment only 

4 Blonders Blvd 

Ledyard Ct 06339

P:860-464-9255 ext 1303


For questions concerning deductions, w4s, tax updates, time cards etc.  email is the best option. Voicemails left for the payroll department will be answered within 2-3 business days.

Many of the main changes needed for payroll may be completed by logging into the Munis Employee Self Service (ESS) module at the link found on this page.

Things  to do in Munis ESS:

If you do not have access to this module, please email so that we can update your access. 

Schedule for Payroll

All time cards must be submitted by the end of day on Friday of every week. Submitting a time card prior to the work being completed, can and will be seen as time card fraud. Please do not submit time cards until Friday afternoon. 

All time cards must be processed using the in and out entries. No Time cards will be accepted that simply put a total amount in the field. A time in, time out for lunch, a time back from lunch and a time out for the day are required. Please be accurate. 

Final time cards must be submitted no later than 8 am on the Monday of a payroll week so that it can be approved by the Administrator by 9 am and processed by payroll.

Pay stub remittances will be emailed to all employees no later than 12pm on Wednesdays. If you have not received your remittance after this, please email

All time cards must be in electronic form, paper time cards are for the exception only. No paper time card will be processed unless signed by the Employee, the

Administrator of the building and the Director of Finance and Human Capital PRIOR to the 9 am deadline on the Monday of any payroll week. Any time card

received after the 9 am deadline will be processed on the following pay run. 

Payroll FAQ's 

Current Mileage reimbursement rate is $0.67 as of January 1, 2024. Please check often as this amount fluctuates.