Online criminal Record Check

Online Criminal Record Check for NLPS School Volunteers 2022-2023

All volunteers must have a criminal record check done before they can work with students.  The following are examples of ways our teams need volunteers in and around our school:

 * Volunteer drivers to away games and tournaments


*Chaperone for away tournaments

*Team managers

By completing the online application you agree to the terms and conditions for the CRRP Applicant Based Online Service to facilitate a criminal record check and to share the completed criminal record check information with Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools. 


•             Only need your BC Services Card for identity verification

•             First-time users will be directed to activate their card by video or in-person through Service BC

•             No cost to apply

•             To activate and use your BC Services Card, you must verify your identity. Available options include Verify Your Identity by Video (through a video call or by sending a video) or Verify Your Identity in Person.

•             If individuals do not have a BC Services Card, they will be re-directed to the current Equifax process (during transition period only, as this will be phased out) or to fill out manually

Please use the link below to complete and submit the form online for your criminal record check to become a school volunteer and/or driver:

 Click here for the Online Criminal Record Check Form


Once you have completed the online application, the Ministry of Justice will forward a copy to our District office where it will be put into our district database of volunteers.  Your school has access to view this database and will be able to confirm that your criminal record check has been approved and completed.  This process can take up to three weeks or more in some cases. If you are having any problems with your submission, please contact your school for assistance.

**Please let your child's coach know you have completed this process and the year; as that will ease in the planning of rides to away games.