Ok Mission Family

Community Population: 19,966 (2019)

Student Population (0-17): 4,339 (2019)

Student Enrolment: 3,111 (2019)

Schools: 3 Elementary, 1 Middle and 1 Secondary

The Ok Mission is a high growth area in Kelowna. The area continues to see growth. The opening of Canyon Falls Middle School in 2019 and the grade reconfiguration to K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 have created space in elementary schools.

OK Mission Family of Schools


Births have leveled out the last three years and projections anticipate the same birth levels

Youth Population

The area is projected to have a steady level of youth population.

Residential Development

The Mission Area continues to developed. The Thompson Flat area is working on the its Area Structure Plan and is going through the City's application process. The full build out is expecting up to 1,200 residential units.

Key Issue Areas

  • Canyon Falls Middle School is projected to reach 800 students

  • Thompson Flats Area Structure Plan should have a school site designated in its future planning

  • The future of Bellevue Creek Elementary school and site (educational programs, lease space, repurpose for school)

  • Popularity of French Immersion Program and impact on Dorothea Walker Elementary

Short Term (0-5 years)

Develop solutions for the portable annex at Okanagan Mission

Review the portable demand for the area

Long Term (5-15 years)

Assess future demand and use of school sites in the area including Crawford Estates site, Bellevue Creek, new site potential in Thompson Flats neighbourhood