Central Kelowna

Community Population: 74,991 (2019)

Student Population (0-17): 10,022 (2019)

Student Enrolment: 7,023 (2019)

Schools: 6 Elementary, 2 Middle, 1 Secondary

Central Kelowna Family of Schools

Since 2014, the Youth Population (ages 1-16) in the Central Kelowna area has increased by 1,084 (14% increase). The Youth population is expected to increase by 900 by 2024 (10%). Majority of the growth has been in the North area and has required the addition of portables to the schools to accommodate the increased enrolment.

Central Kelowna is divided into two areas; Central Kelowna North and Central Kelowna South.

Central Kelowna North

The North Central Kelowna area consists of the following neighbourhoods Glenmore/Wilden/McKinley Landing. The family of schools include four elementary schools (Bankhead Elementary, Glenmore Elementary, North Glenmore Elementary and Watson Elementary) and one middle school (Dr. Knox Middle). Dr. Knox Middle School currently feeds Kelowna Secondary that also receives students from the KLO Middle school in the South Central Kelowna area.

Residential Development

The City of Kelowna projects 3,830 new residential units will be constructed over 20 years from 2010 to 2030 within the North Central area of Kelowna. New residential developments underway, in the application stage or proposed indicate the anticipated 3,830 will be reached by 2030. 70% of the new housing units are single family units (appealing to families) and 30% are multi‐family units.


Births in Central Kelowna North have average 325 the last 3 years. The average has been similar since 2014.

Youth Population

The youth population will continue to grow and student migration has an influence on the population increase. Project an increase 500-550 youth in the area by 2024.

Key Issue Areas

  • All schools beyond building capacity and enrolments are projected to increase in the area

  • City of Kelowna is focusing development to existing residential areas. The majority of new residential units will be infill and multi family units

  • Limited land for new school site acquisitions. Consideration school additions to current schools to accommodate future projections

  • Popularity of French Immersion Program and impact on Glenmore Elementary

  • Glenmore and Raymer Elementary Schools are aging facilities with deteriorating infrastructure and functional concerns. Both require replacement or upgrading within the next couple of years

Short Term (0-5 years)

Kelowna Secondary is unable to accommodate any projected growth, a decision must be made by Dec 2020 to implement September 2021.

Secure the Wilden Neighbourhood School Site for an elementary school.

Continue to place portables on school sites (where possible) to accommodate enrolment growth

Construct an addition at Dr. Knox Middle School

Long Term (5-15 years)

Plan for new secondary school to be located in the Glenmore area

Central Kelowna South

The South Central Kelowna area consists of the following neighbourhoods South Pandosy/Capri/Landmark/Guisachan/South Kelowna/Lakeshore and Cook. The family of schools include four elementary schools (A.S. Matheson Elementary, Raymer Elementary, Casorso Elementary and South Kelowna Elementary) and one middle school (KLO Middle). KLO Middle School currently feeds Kelowna Secondary

The City of Kelowna projects a potential for 260 single family units and 7,350 multifamily units within the South Central Kelowna area. The timing, rate of growth and residential build out by form of housing is subject to economic trends and conditions of the housing market.


Average about 225 to 230 Births per year since 2010.

Youth Population

Positive net migration to this area.

Key Issue Areas

  • Future options to accommodate enrolment at KLO Middle

  • Kelowna Secondary is unable to accommodate any projected growth, a decision must be made by Dec 2020 to implement September 2021.

  • Popularity of French Immersion Program and impact on Casorso Elementary, KLO Middle and Kelowna Secondary

Short Term (0-5 years)

Long Term (5-15 years)

Consider impact on this area when a new secondary school is opened in the Glenmore area