Frequently Asked Questions:

$2600 for the 2024/25 school year.

Fees are setup in School Cash Online and they can be paid in full or in monthly payments.

Students from all high/secondary schools in the Central Okanagan can be involved in the program. Students will remain at their home/catchment school for their academic courses and will meet at the MNP Place every other day for Hockey Academy and support for their asynchronous classes. Sometimes students will need to go to OKM for some off-ice classes.

Unfortunately, the timetables of the middle schools do not align with the secondary schools, but we have added a few middle school students to attend the on-ice sessions only. Please note that this arrangement must be approved by school administration through the program coordinator, Mr. Blain Wright.

All students will get credit for their Hockey Academy classes. Grades 10 - 12  will also have the option to take Strength & Conditioning with teachers at OKM in an asynchronous format. In order to cater to students on a unique educational path some students may decide to take an online course eSchool23

Unfortunately, the cost of transportation is prohibitive and in order to offer the program to students throughout the district high/secondary schools we cannot provide bussing. By offering the two asynchronous classes on the same day as the students' Hockey Academy class it can alleviate the need for students to rush back to school.

Roughly 100 hours or 66 ice sessions.

Yes, there will be roughly 30 lessons where we will have a goaltender specific instructor on the ice to work with our goalies.

Yes,  on occasional Friday sessions we will incorporate a variety of different activities, sports and dryland training. We will use the off-ice facilities at and around the MNP Place and Okanagan Mission Secondary. Friday classes are scheduled approximately 2 times per month.