Research, MLA, Writing resources

"Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret." (Matthew Arnold)

MLA - Quick Notes.pdf

Embedding Quotes - ICEing your paper:

    • I: INTRODUCE. Briefly provide context for this quote; what is happening? to whom? Take the reader with you!
    • C: CONTROL & CITE. First, lead into your quote (control it). Every sentence should begin with your own words; then incorporate the quote as if it is a part of your own sentence. Don't forget to cite it by author's last name and page number.
    • E: ELUCIDATE & EXPLAIN: After ANY and EVERY concrete detail you use, you should explain why it is significant. What does this quote mean? How is it important? How does it support your topic sentence or thesis? This means that you should NEVER end a paragraph with a quotation.

What is a parenthetical citation?

A parenthetical citation is one that appears IN your paper; it provides the reader with the author's last name and page number (for a book or article) or article title (if no author is specified). This is the C in ICE'ing quotes.

The easiest way to do a works cited page is to use one of the MANY online resources. EasyBib is one such source.

OWL PURDUE is the absolute best site for all MLA information. Use the tabs on the left of its page to find what you need.
