Social Studies

Social Studies 10-1

This course examines the relationships among globalization, citizenship and identity in Canada. Students will use the inquiry method to explore the multiple perspectives on the origins of globalization and the local, national and international impacts of globalization on lands, cultures, economics, human rights and quality of life.

It is strongly recommended that students have a Grade 9 Social Studies mark of 60% or higher to be successful in Social 10-1.

Social Studies 10-2

This course will examine globalization, the process by which the world is becoming increasingly connected and interdependent. This includes examining the history and effects of globalization on lands, cultures, economics, human rights and quality of life.

It is strongly recommended that students have a Grade 9 Social Studies mark of 45% or higher to be successful in Social Studies 10-2.

Social Studies 10-1 AP

This course will cover all the required elements of the

Social Studies 10-1 program. In addition, students in the Advanced Placement program will cover the additional topic area “Interdependence in the Global Environment”. This topic will include the themes of global diversity, economic development & interdependence, and quality of life issues.

It is strongly recommended that students have a Grade 9 Social Studies mark of 80% or higher to be successful in Social Studies 10-1 AP.

Social Studies 10-4

This course will examine globalization, the process by which the world is becoming increasingly connected and interdependent. This includes examining the history and effects of globalization, and a development of skills that can be used to respond to issues emerging in a globalized world.

This class is recommended for students in K&E or those who would benefit from remedial assistance in Social Studies; i.e. Grade 9 mark less than 45%.

Military Studies 15 (3 cr.)

Military Studies neither promotes nor condemns war as a human practice, but serves to examine the theories and practices associated with war and peace, and the role the military plays in these understandings.

This course will focus on Canadian military history covering the nineteenth century Red River Uprising, the North-West Rebellion, the Boer Wars, World War One and Two, the Korean War, Canadian involvement in the Cold War, Canadian peacekeeping operations and the War in Afghanistan. Prerequisite: none.
