Dance Department Class Schedule

A Days: 

1st (8:15-9:45) --Royals (McKee/LaFevers)

2nd (9:50-11:20)-Dance 1 (LaFevers); Dance 1: Studio(McKee)

Advocate (11:20-11:55)

3rd (12:00-1:30) -Rhythm Dance Company (LaFevers) Dance Composition (McKee)

Lunch (1:30-2:00)

4th (2:05-3:35) Conference

B days: 

5th (8:15-9:45)--Royals (McKee/LaFevers) 

6th (9:50-11:20)--Dance 2-4 (LaFevers) /Dance Wellness (McKee)

Advocate (11:20-11:55)

7th (12:00-1:30)--Dance Team Prep (LaFevers/McKee)

Lunch (1:30-2:00)

8th (2:05-3:35)--Conference

**Please make sure to schedule an appointment for before or after school tutorials due to director rehearsal commitments with Rouse Dance Teams.