I need to contact my Assistant Principal...

Each Assistant Principal can be reached via email, phone, or in person in the AP Office. Please note that due to scheduling conflicts, your alpha AP may not be immediately available. If requesting a meeting with an AP, please contact the AP Administrative Assistants and they will work with your calendar to find the earliest date and time that works for everyone. 

Vince Hawkins (A - Ce)

Erica Jackson (Ch - Gr)

Byron Harkless (Gu - Ma)

Anna Archer (Mc - Ro)

Drew Escamilla (Ru - Z)

Administrative Assistants : 

Holly Tamez - 512.570.1421

Casey Hayes - 512.570.1409

Where is the Student Handbook?

Where can I find information on dress code?

The dress code information for Leander ISD and Glenn High School can be found in the Student Handbook.

What is the Glenn High School cell phone policy?

The expectation of all students at Glenn High School is that cell phones will remain put away during instructional time unless otherwise requested by the teacher and then, used only for instructional purposes. 

Teachers are empowered to establish and enforce their own classroom cell phone and other electronic devices policy.

Cell phones are permitted to be used before school, after school, during the passing period, and during lunch times. At all other times, cell phones and earbuds should be placed in backpacks to minimize distraction. 

I want to talk with someone about my schedule...

Schedule concerns are guided by our counselors, registrar, and the assistant principals. Reach out to either your alpha AP or your alpha counselor to discuss your individual request and circumstances.

Please keep in mind that there might not be any changes possible even after all factors are brought into consideration.

I have a question about textbooks...

Assistant Principal Drew Escamilla is the administrator in charge of textbooks on the Glenn High School campus. Please contact him for any questions or concerns you may have.

I am a parent and I want to volunteer...

Please visit our Glenn Volunteers Page for information regarding needs, guidelines, and forms to complete if you are interested in volunteering at Glenn High School. 

What is the Glenn High School Vision and Mission Statement?


Engage, Inspire, Achieve for lifelong success.

Mission Statement

Tom Glenn High School exists to embrace the diversity of our community, to provide rigorous educational experiences, and to create a culture of growth that prepares students to be the next generation of achievers. 

Where can I connect with Glenn High School on social media?

There is always something happening at Glenn High School, and social media is one of the fastest ways to stay informed. Visit our Social Media hub on our main page, or at any of the following :

Twitter : @TomGlennHS 

Facebook : Glenn High School

Instagram : @TomGlennHighSchool