Out of LISD

Leaving the NEST? Moving out of LISD attendance school zone?  

1. Please fill out LISD withdrawal paperwork and return to the campus registrar.  If homeschooling please also return the homeschool form.

2. Turn in any outstanding items (choir uniform, library books, lunch account, laptop device, ect).  

**If you have an mLISD device it will need to be returned with in 5 days of students last day on campus.  LISD will report devices lost or stolen after 5 days.  Mon-Friday 7:30am -4:00pm

3. Log into the Home Access Center to print your students report card or testing records before your students last day on campus.

4. Meal Refund Request? Complete the meal refund request form, and email to carolina.arizpe@leanderisd.org and pam.amen@leanderisd.org. 

*Please note refund checks may take up to two weeks (from the time we receive your request) to receive in the mail.

5.  Students leaving the district will lose access to their k12.leanderisd.org account the day after they exit the district. To retain copies of Drive files, download files/folders to personal computer.

6. Have the new school contact the CRMS registrar to transfer academic records to your new school.