Raise a Reader!

Ways to Motivate Your Child to Read

  1. Read aloud to your child - yes, even fourth graders love to be read to! Pick something to read that’s about their reading level and interest.
  2. Chat about what you’ve read. Share what you liked about your books and if you learned anything from them.
  3. Keep a wide variety of reading materials handy: picture books, chapter books, non-fiction, magazines, comic books, etc.
  4. Create a comfortable reading spot for your child.
  5. Make reading time special. Turn off the television, so EVERYONE can read. It only has to be 15 minutes a day.
  6. Provide reading-related surprises. Let your child stay up a little late to finish a chapter in a book, or turn out the lights and let your child read by flashlight.
  7. Share some laughs. Take turns reading to each other from a humorous story or book of jokes.
  8. Share your excitement about books and reading. Talk about things you’ve read and why you enjoyed them.
  9. Ask questions as you read, such as, “How do you think this story will end?”
  10. Encourage your child to bring a book to read as they wait for appointments. They will learn more from a book rather than a video game!