Homework & Parent Support


Homework is given to reinforce skills learned in class. It is checked for effort and completion only. Students are responsible for writing down homework assignments in their planners. Homework, which will come home in their yellow folder, is expected to be returned on a daily basis unless otherwise noted in planner. Students are to spend NO MORE THAN 60 MINUTES on homework. If that point is reached, please STOP and write me a brief note in your child's planner.


Please sign your child’s planner every night. It is my primary means of communication with you. Be sure that your child shows you the papers in his/her yellow folder. Review the work which is brought home each Thursday in the Thursday folder. Talk with and help your child understand his/her mistakes.

Talk, talk, talk! Remember children will retain more information when they have to teach it to others. Ask your child what he/she learned at school each day and even better, ask them to teach you!

I am convinced that your child will learn a lot this year, and I know I have a great group of students and parents. I am looking forward to this year and to working with your child. Thank you for your cooperation.