Helping Your Child Get Organized

Helping Your Child Get Organized

Organizational and study skills are very important to success in school. As parents, this is an area where your efforts will be especially helpful to me. These are some suggestions which may be helpful to you and your child. I am sure that you are already doing many of these suggestions.

  • Discuss your child’s assignments with him/her. You never know what you will learn.
  • Be sure your child has a scheduled time in which homework is to be completed.
  • Provide your child with a special space to do his/her homework. Be sure that sufficient school supplies are nearby.
  • Have your child pack his/her own book bag before going to bed.
  • Ask to see your child’s planner and yellow folder so that you will know what is occurring in school.
  • Review the papers in your child’s Friday Folder with him/her. Have your child correct his/her mistakes.
  • Be sure that your child gets adequate sleep and eats a good breakfast every morning.