
Academic Scholastic Bowl Team

We compete in academic quiz bowl competitions with other schools in the area.

Mock Trial

Learn about the legal process and prepare and to partake in the regional competition at the Loudoun County Courthouse.

Forensics and Debate are lacking sponsors, so if those groups interested you in the past, please check out Mock Trial!

Model United Nations

As delegates representing UN member states, students research their country and issue, which can include topics such as human rights, peace and security, food and hunger, economic development, and the environment, and develop a position. They then participate in Model UN conferences, where they give speeches, negotiate with other states, draft and pass resolutions, and ultimately attempt to resolve world problems and conflicts. Through this process, students gain understanding of the needs and goals of the country that they represent and how their country interacts within the international community on the given topic. Students that participate in Model UN are more globally aware and develop skills in researching, writing, public speaking, communication, critical thinking, and conflict resolution.

Project Lit Community

Project Lit Community is a grassroots literacy movement empowering readers and leaders in hundreds of schools & communities across the country. As a Project Lit Chapter, the Champe Library hosts a variety of activities, including book discussions, author visits, and more!