Expectations for students

Tips for a positive library experience

Readiness. Respect. Responsibility.

1. During the school day, students need a pass to come to the Library. All students will be dismissed back to class during the last 10-minutes of each block. We can only write you a pass to see a teacher if he or she has planning or if they are in one of the centers/labs.

EZ Pass

  • allows for a quick 10-minute visit

  • no sign-in/sign-out required

  • quick print; book selection, renewal, or return; reference questions


  • the primary pass used by classroom teachers and study halls*

  • sign-in and sign-out on the laptops at the circulation desk

  • used for the Library, Math Lab, Reading & Writing Center, Science Center, Testing Center, and School Counseling

*Large cafeteria study halls have special laminated Library Study Hall Passes to use for A1/B5, A2/B6, and A4/B8.

Bathroom Passes

  • allows students to use the bathroom

  • sign-in and sign-out on the clipboard at circulation desk

  • only two students at any given time may leave the library; when one returns, the other may leave

Lunch Passes

  • allows students to come to the library during their lunch block

  • eat your lunch first in the cafeteria, before coming to the library

  • sign-out from the cafeteria and sign-in on the laptops at the circulation desk

  • maximum of 10 students per lunch shift

  • you must stay the entire time in the library

2. While the library is a collaborative and flexible space, please be respectful.

  • Use inside voices and be cognizant of your language. If we have to speak to you twice, you'll be sent back to class.

  • Clean up after yourself. Dispose of trash, push in chairs, return games to the circulation desk, move furniture back to its original location etc.

3. The Quiet Reading and Study Zone is self-explanatory. This is not the area to engage in conversation. Whisper if you need to ask a friend a question, but limit your whispering. After your first warning, you'll be asked to move to another section of the library or be sent back to class.

4. You may use your cell phone and other electronic devices in the library, but please place all on silent. No phone calls please.

5. A small snack and a bottle of water are OKAY. A five course meal, not so much. Please dispose of any and all trash. This is a privilege that can easily be taken away. Because of a severe food allergy, absolutely NO BANANAS.

6. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Please, no supine positions.

7. If you need a laptop, sign one out from the cart. Please return it to its designated position when finished.

8. Please return all books and magazines to one of the Reshelve Carts.

9. Read. Renew. Return. We're happy to renew an item as long as it isn't on hold for another patron or an ILL (interlibrary loan) from another school. As soon as you're finished with an item, please return it. There are book drops located outside of the library and at the Circulation Desk.

10. Early Release and AOL (Academies of Loudoun) students are welcome! Sign-in on the laptops at the Circulation Desk and show your Early Release Card or provide your Student ID to one of the Librarians or Library Assistant.