At Louisa County Public Schools, we actively seek to engage families in our students' learning. Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), divisions and schools have specific expectations for informing and involving parents and families in the educational process.

Division-level Title I parent and family engagement within LCPS includes the following:

  • Involve parents in planning division-level Title I services and family supports through a Title I Parent Advisory Committee (TPAC).
  • Include parents in development of a division-level family engagement policy.
  • Inform parents and caregivers of services and supports offered in Title I communities through publication of a Parents Matter newsletter.
  • Build capacity within schools for effectively engaging parents and families through identified faculty family engagement leaders.
  • Collaborate with parents and other stakeholders to evaluate and address barriers to family engagement in Title I communities.

School-level Title I parent and family engagement within LCPS involves the following:

  • Develop with and distribute to all families a school-level parent and family engagement policy and compact.
  • Conduct an annual meeting to inform parents and families about Title I and their right to be involved in their children’s education.
  • Offer a variety of opportunities for parents and families to be engaged in parent engagement meetings at a variety of times.
  • Include parents in the planning and improvement of school programs.
  • Help parents understand the academic standards (Virginia Standards of Learning and LCPS Program of Studies) and assessments expected of their children.
  • Provide materials and training for families to support student learning and increase family engagement.
  • Provide materials for families in other languages, whenever possible.