Hall Middle School - Derby Den Productions

Broadway Bound -Hall Edition 2019

Fall Program Info:

Program Description: An opportunity for all musical enthusiasts to be part of a creative and supportive community by choosing from, and learning material to practice and perform for our Virtual Showcase performance. We will have a full cast choreography number to perform, and students will have a chance to be the Director of their own songs/scenes from their favorite Musicals performing either solo or in a small group! Our cast will meet all together once a week via Zoom and there will be two solo/group sectionals throughout our session for vocal coaching and rehearsal (TBD.) I'm SO looking forward to connecting with my students this way and keeping Music alive in our educational community, and bringing it into our homes while we are distance learning this year! My hope is that students will use this safe space to make connections with other peers, take risks, and to find a sense of control and success for what they are creating and sharing with confidence.

Materials Needed: Cast members will need a phone or ipad device to use for recording. We will be using voice memos to send vocal samples via email or text. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the program at cderby@lcmschools.org.

Our Showcase Performance: We will create a recorded zoom of our show when it's completed including our choreographed dance, narrator of songs/scenes, and a recorded ensemble piece we will release separately created through garage band.

Thank you!