Student Support for Research

Support for Student Research

Academic Year support

Students engaged in biomedical research on campus have to either receive course credit (3 credits can count as an elective towards a Biology, Chemistry, Bioinformatics, or Computer Science major) or pay in order to participate. To receive course credit, speak to your research mentor and academic advisor.

Listed below are a few different sources to support students receiving pay for their research work.

INBRE Funding

Talk to your research mentor about whether there are INBRE funds available to support payment for your research efforts.

HERC Funding

Each semester, HERC Fellowships are available that can be used for stipends, supplies, travel, etc. Talk to your research mentor or Nina Peterson for more information about applying for these funds.

Direct NIH support

Currently, Dr. Nancy Johnston and Dr. Eric Stoffregen have direct grants from the National Institutes of Health. Talk to one of these faculty about opportunities for paid research in their labs.

Work Scholars

If you are accepted into the Work Scholars Program, there are multiple research work sites, in Dr. Eric Stoffregen's lab, Dr. Nancy Johnston's lab, and Dr. Leigh Latta's lab.

Work Study

In some cases, there may be a Work Study job opportunity in one of the research labs. Speak to your research mentor about this possibility.

Summer support

The most common mechanism for student research support in the summer is our INBRE Summer Research Fellows program. Please see that page or contact Dr. Eric Stoffregen for more information.

There are other summer research opportunities that take place at other institutions. Other INBRE programs in the Western states welcome applications from our students, and there are Research Experiences for Undergraduate students (REUs) at various institutions throughout the country. Make sure you are receiving Remind app notifications about some of these opportunities. Speak to your academic advisor or Dr. Eric Stoffregen for more information if you are interested in these opportunities.