INBRE Summer Fellowships

Program Overview

The Idaho INBRE Summer Fellows Program is offers fellowships for students interested in biomedical research. The program pays each awarded student to work full-time in an established faculty laboratory for the summer. In addition to doing mentored research, students will attend professional development and scientific seminar presentations and will prepare a poster highlighting their work to be presented at the Idaho INBRE Summer Research Conference in Moscow at the end of the summer.


Are you an undergraduate science/bioinformatics/computer science major attending an Idaho institution of higher education who wants to do hands-on research? Will you be graduating (with a Bachelor’s degree) in December 2024 or later?

If so, you are eligible! 

Program Details

Pay: up to $7200 for the summer (paid as hourly wage over the summer)

Program Starting Date: May 2024, specific start date TBD with your research mentor

Program Ending Date: After the statewide INBRE Conference in August 2024, specific details to be worked out with your research mentor

Application Steps

Identify a Mentor

College transcripts


Submit via the application portal on time

The Idaho INBRE Undergraduate Fellowship program is competitive. The number of applications will exceed the available Fellowships.  To be considered for a Fellowship we must receive your completed application including transcripts and letters of reference by the due date of November 1, 2023.  We cannot consider incomplete packets.

Fellowship awards will be announced in December 2023.

How are students selected to be INBRE Undergraduate Fellows?

The INBRE Fellows are the best and brightest undergraduate students in Idaho. The selection process is competitive and rigorous. Students submit an application packet that includes a few short essays, letters of recommendation, and their college transcript(s).

Requirements for being a Fellow:

Criteria for Fellows selection:

The following criteria are used by the Idaho INBRE Campus Leaders at LC State when choosing Undergraduate Summer Fellows. These criteria are considered as a ‘whole’, and not necessarily in the order listed.