Dress Code


Students are expected to dress in a manner which will not disrupt the educational process, constitute a health or safety hazard, or violate civil law. A good thought regarding attire is that if you have doubts about the attire, do not wear it! In addition, the following guidelines for student dress and appearance will be in effect:

  1. Hats, caps, hoods, bandannas, or any type of head-wear are not to be worn inside the building. They will be taken off when the student enters the school building and must be placed in the student’s locker.
  2. Specific dress and grooming standards will be required for certain classes and school-sponsored activities where the law requires and where the teacher or sponsor feels is necessary in order to prepare the student for the field he or she is entering.
  3. All students shall be clean in personal grooming and attire, wear shoes, and wear clothing in the manner and for the purpose for which it was designed.
  4. Students will not be permitted to wear garments which display symbols, graphics, or language which are offensive, lewd, or profane (explicitly or implicitly) or which advocate alcohol, tobacco, or drug use.
  5. Clothing articles, colors, symbols, jewelry, or other items which are intended to identify a student as being affiliated with a gang are not permitted on school grounds. Initial violations of this provision will be considered a Level III offense. Additional violations will be considered a Level IV offense. Students are required to leave their coats in their lockers during school hours. Students are also required to leave their book bags, purses, athletic bags, backpacks, and blankets in their lockers during school hours except when special conditions exist or with administrative approval.
  6. Going to school is an occupation for the student, and he/she should dress appropriately. When at school, students’ dress will be modest and appropriate as for an occupational setting. Examples of inappropriate attire include, but are not limited to sunglasses, inappropriate tank tops, spaghetti-strap tops, low-cut revealing tops, muscle shirts, halter tops, tube tops, visible undergarments, and short shorts. Clothing revealing bare midsections is not allowed.
  7. Shirts must be the width of four fingers. Shirts can’t have cut-outs in front, back, or side, cut-outs on the sleeve and lower shoulder are allowed.
  8. Skirts, shorts, and rompers must be at least mid-thigh. No holes in pants shall be higher than finger-tip length. No skin may be visible through the pants higher than finger-tip length. Any visible undergarments will be at the discretion of the administration. With your hands at your side, your fingertips should touch the bottom of your skirt, shorts, or romper. This includes garments with slits.
  9. If a student is asked to stand and extend his/her arms straight to the side, there should be no visible skin or undergarment showing between the top of his/her pants or skirt and the bottom of his/her shirt or blouse.
  10. The administration reserves the right to send home any student wearing any clothing or accessories deemed inappropriate for the educational environment.
  11. Violation of the above-mentioned guidelines will result in the student’s either surrendering the item, being sent home to change, or having other disciplinary action taken. The time missed to go home to change will be unexcused.

The administration reserves the right to send home any student wearing any clothing or accessories deemed inappropriate for the educational environment.

Violation of the above-mentioned guidelines will result in the student’s either surrendering the item, being sent home to change, or having other disciplinary action taken. The time missed to go home to change will be unexcused.

Assistant Principals’ Office will determine when the building is cool enough for coats to be worn and when special conditions exist which require a student to utilize a book bag or wear a coat during the school day. A classroom teacher may determine when his/her classroom is cool enough for coats to be worn in that class.