

The Board of Education is concerned with OUT-OF-SCHOOL behavior which threatens the safety and well-being of other students, teachers, their property, and school property. Moreover, the Board of Education is concerned with the proliferation of random acts of vandalism and violence between and among students and student drug/alcohol use. School personnel may impose discipline in instances of student misconduct that may occur on or off school grounds, during school events, or during school time. The school may also impose discipline when the underlying conduct of a student is disruptive or interferes with school activities or the rights of other students or school personnel, when the underlying conduct may have a negative effect on the discipline or general welfare of the school, or when a reasonable purpose for the imposition of such discipline can be shown. Lincoln Community High School has entered into a joint agreement with the Lincoln Police Department. This allows the two entities to share information


The LCHS discipline policy is intended to combine instances of student misbehavior with appropriate types of progressive disciplinary consequences and/or support services in order to affect student behavior in a positive way. Each student’s need for a high-school education will be weighed against the student body’s need for an orderly and safe school environment which is conducive to learning. We presume that all students connected with the school are intelligent and honorable citizens until their actions prove otherwise. Many situations which cannot be covered by rules in advance will arise, yet students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. Behavioral interventions shall be used for students with disabilities to promote and strengthen desirable behaviors and reduce identified inappropriate behaviors. Behavioral intervention procedures shall be furnished to all parents/guardians of students with disabilities at initial Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.) meeting and made available at all subsequent meetings. The Discipline Code applies to any student who is on school property, who is in attendance at school or at any school-sponsored activity, or whose conduct at any time or place has a direct and immediate effect on the maintenance of order and discipline in the school.


The purpose of any disciplinary action at LCHS is to help the person(s) involved grow into fully functioning, productive members of society. The purpose of any disciplinary action is always to build up rather than tear down, to correct rather than punish, to help rather than hurt. The goal of the administration is to treat each person subject to disciplinary action with respect and fairness as an individual with the right to a fair presentation of his/her viewpoint on all matters. Disciplinary actions are not intended to make an example of a person or uphold a principle but to serve the best interests of the individuals involved with regard for the comfort and safety of others.