Neurodivergent Learners in AGE & VT: Support, Strategies, & Resources

PROCEDE Conference 2023

QACVE Conference 2024

Like a person’s fingerprints, no two brains are alike, which means that everyone learns differently and has their own unique abilities and struggles. Knowing this, how can the education system support neurodiversity to ensure ALL adult learners experience success? What resources and strategies are available to us and our learners? Join us for a multimedia conversation about how we can foster inclusive learning environments where neurodivergent adult learners can thrive.


Susan PROCEDE 2023

Jigsaw instructions

How does a "Jigsaw" activity work?

Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that enables each student of a “home” group to specialize in one aspect of a topic. Students meet with members from other groups who are assigned the same theme, and after mastering the material, return to the “home” group and teach the material to their home group members.

Expert Groups:

A. Expert Group Instructions 

B. Home Group Instructions 

C. Large Group Takeaways