Q: Why do you hold the meeting this late in the year? Is the PEC not traditionally held in summer?

A: COVID and related constraints forced us into a holding pattern until now. Holding a PEC Nottingham Competition in 2020 will give contestants the opportunity to shine and uphold the tradition of the yearly Nottingham Prize.

Q: Will the Nottingham event on December 8th be a whole day? What if I am in a different timezone? I have zoom fatigue!

A: The event will be ⪅3h long and take place from 9am - 12pm PST.

Q: What's on the Agenda?

A: The Agenda will include an invited talk, showing of nominee videos as well as Q&A and a virtual coffee break and the award ceremony. After the meeting, participants and the public will have access to all submissions.

Q: Can I contact you by email?

A: Yes, please! Try Alpha N'Diaye or Andrea Taylor.