Military History

Military History

This semester-long course will look at wars, battles, leaders, weapons, technology, resources, countries, and strategies involved in military actions in both American and World History. Topics will mostly involve history outside the topics taught in Early American History during eighth grade.

This class is a student-designed class. During the first days and periodically throughout the semester, I will have a discussion with the class to learn what topics they most want to learn about. Due to this format, the lessons will most likely differ from semester to semester. Students will have ample opportunities to do research during class time to gain more understanding of the topics while being able to direct their research in the areas that most interest them.

This class will include research opportunities, lessons, discussions, videos when appropriate, and guest speakers from a wide range of backgrounds including Veterans, active service members, and Lawson graduates who have chosen a military career path.

Syllabus Military History Koeberl.pdf