
Health Story Telling Video_Version 2.mp4

One day you see that something is wrong with your child. You go to doctor after doctor looking for answers but no one has answers for you.

Finally you come to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital then you find out that your child has been diagnosed cancer. You say, “Cancer? Why my child?”

That's what most parents say, think, and feel when their child has been diagnosed with cancer.

Parents go through heartbreaking choices that can determine where their child’s future is heading.

St. Jude Children's Hospital is here to help you fight the most life threatening diseases.

They have treatment programs and resources for diseases that could have ended your child's life.

REVISEDSt.jude's Research hospital by Angel C. Vicent S..mp4

Parents say that the staff at St. Jude's were amazingly generous and that their children develop great friendships with all the nurses and doctors that treat them.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital wants to be successful in curing cancer because they know that every parent that has a child with cancer wants their child to have as normal a life as possible, like what any other child would be doing, and get out of the hospital soon.

When you donate to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 83 cents of every dollar supports the research and treatment at St. Jude.

Imagine you were a parent with a child that has cancer. You would want every person to donate so your child would be safe.

So donate because you want the kids at St. Jude to be as safe as your child. That no kid would be left out just because of cancer.

They are just as special and unique as you.

Alexa - Music

The Health issue is important to me because there are a lot of people in my family who have health problems, and I just want to help them and cure their problems.

Angel - Explainer Video

I chose this issue because it is important, and many kids are going through health issues while they are small.

Angelina - Storytelling Video

I choose health because I want to help kids who have cancer. I worked on making the storytelling video.

Anthony - Infographic

This issue is important to me because people die from rare diseases and cancer. I want to cure cancer so that no one can suffer.

Christian - Images

I chose Health because I want to help kids that are sick.

Isaac - Writing

I chose Health because I want to help kids around the earth with cancer. I know these kids are going through hard times.

Jason - Images

I chose Health because many people around the world needs health care and don't have the money or can't get to it

Jenny - Writing

I chose this issue because it is an important threat to us like cancer, and in my opinion, this is the most important issue.

Kamryn - Music

I chose Health because it is important to people. For example, some kids have cancer which can kill them slowly.

Krista - Storytelling Video

Health is important because many kids have cancer and other diseases in their body. I want to help other people and kids who have cancer.

Lizbeth - Infographic

Health issues are important to me because there are a lot of people in the world that are struggling with diseases that could kill them. I want to help them in some kind of way.

Marco - Images

This issue is important to me because there are many kids with cancer and many other diseases.

Maryuri - Writing

I chose this issue because I want to make a difference around the world and help others.

Mosiah - Music

I chose this as my issue because health is very important, people need various organizations and companies supporting the sick so that they can survive. THe part of the project that I worked with my group is the music.

Pedro - Storytelling Video

Health is an issue because people have families and we should help them.

Vincent - Explainer Video

I chose Health because health is important for many people and tons of people die per year because of diseases.

Image credits: Pexels, Morguefile, Picjumbo, Wikimedia Commons