The Stanford Law Chronicles: Doin' Time on the Farm

Alfredo Mirandé

In the midst of a long and distinguished academic career, Alfredo Mirande left his position as professor of sociology and chair of ethnic studies at the University of California, Riverside, to attend law school at Stanford University. This book is an extraordinary chronicle of the events in his life that led him to make this dramatic change and of the many obstacles he encountered at law school. "The Stanford Law Chronicles" is a comprehensive, first-person account of the law school experience, written by a person of color. Mirande delivers a powerful and moving critique of the rigid hierarchies he encountered and of systematic attempts to strip him of his identity and culture. He also reflects on the implications of an increasing number of women and minority law school students for law and legal education.*

Responsibility: Alfredo Mirandé.Imprint: Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, c2005.Physical description: x, 269 p. ; 24 cm.
*Summary by Nielsen Book Data