Movers & Shakers

Latinx Movers & Shakers

Here are some of the stories of influential Latinx voices in law, politics, and society. These biographies provide some insight to the thought, feelings, and histories behind their remarkable achievements. Our collection includes the stories of SLS alumni, judges, academics, politicians and activists. We invite you to come explore profiles on overlooked trailblazers, retrospective reflections on historical figures, and autobiographies and interviews with Latinx leaders giving life to their own narratives.

The Stanford Law Chronicles: Doin' Time on the Farm

Alfredo Mirandé

The Oxford encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in contemporary politics, law, and social movements

Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González, editors in chief

Agent of Change: Adela Sloss-Vento, Mexican American Civil Rights Activist and Texas Feminist

Cynthia E. Orozco

Moving Beyond Borders: Julian Samora and the Establishment of Latino Studies

edited by Alberto López Pulido, Barbara Driscoll de Alvarado, Carmen Samora

Pasando páginas: La historia de mi vida

Sonia Sotomayor (Author), Lulu Delacre (Illustrator)

Hispanic Americans in Congress, 1822-2012

U.S. House of Representatives

Chicanas of 18th Street: Narratives of a Movement from Latino Chicago

Leonard G. Ramírez, et al.

Law Professor and Accidental Historian: The Scholarship of Michael A. Olivas

edited by Ediberto Román

Las primeras : an historical presentation of the first Latina attorneys licensed in the United States

Dolores S. Atencio

My Beloved World

Sonia Sotomayor

Colored Men and Hombres Aquí: Hernández V. Texas and the Emergence of Mexican-american Lawyering

Edited by Michael A. Olivas

Not from Here, Not from There/No Soy de Aquí ni de Allá: The Autobiography of Nelson Díaz

Nelson A. Diaz

Oral history interview with Gloria Molina

Carlos Vásquez

Adversity Is My Angel: The Life and Career of Raul H. Castro

Raúl H. Castro and Jack L. August, Jr.

Rascuache lawyer : toward a theory of ordinary litigation

Alfredo Mirandé

Albert A. Peña Jr. : dean of Chicano politics

José Angel Gutiérrez

Latino urban ethnography and the work of Elena Padilla

edited by Mérida M. Rúa.

The Crusades of Cesar Chavez: A Biography

Miriam Pawel

Born on the border : Minutemen vigilantes, origins of Arizona's anti-immigrant movement, and a call for increased civil disobedience

Ray Ybarra Maldonado