Issue #20 oct 8, 2021

Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders

A message from Dr. Maxey

Reseda Community of Schools Administrator

October is here. I think that it is important to note that this month is Latinx Heritage month. We in the Reseda Community of Schools (CoS) would like to take a moment to honor all of the contributions of Latinx people, as well as, celebrate their rich and warm culture.

October is also National Principals and Assistant Principals' month. I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to honor all of the amazing Principals and Assistant Principals here in the Reseda CoS. The Principals and Assistant Principals were the engine that drove our school system forward in the midst of the pandemic and they are also the ones that continue to lead the work. I cannot say enough about these amazing professional. Thank you for all you do for our Reseda CoS.

Just a reminder, eligible Los Angeles Unified students will need to be fully vaccinated prior to the start of the Spring 2022 semester. This means that students ages 12 and older will need proof of vaccination uploaded to the Daily Pass to attend school in-person before Monday, January 10, 2022, unless they have a qualified exemption.

Should you have any questions and/or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us at 818-668-1051 or at We are here to support and collaborate with you for a successful 2021-2022 school year.


The WALK OF HEARTS® Foundation Teacher Recognition Program is a volunteer based non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the value of education by recognizing exceptional educators for their commitment, innovation and positive influence in their students’ lives.

Educators are selected via nominations from their students and parents, school staff and the community submitted on the website, The selection committee looks for teachers who have shown the passion and dedication that changes the lives of students. The ideal nominee is a teacher who is motivating, stimulating, and has that unique ability to inspire and perhaps - with a word or two of encouragement –change a life. This individual creates a positive, pleasant and productive learning environment while treating their students with respect.

On Sunday, September 19, 2021, this distinguished award was given to Mr. Daniel R. Jocz at Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies as an exceptional educator, his dedication and the impact he has on the lives of students. Congratulations Mr. Jocz, we thank you for your service and dedication.

Welcome Back to In Person Teaching and Learning

Renee Cofield, Instructional Coordinator

Family Tips

As we start another school year not knowing what the year will bring, it is important to have ways to cope with uncertainty as a family. Here are some ideas that will make this a positive and memorable year:

Focus on the Present: End each day as a family by taking time to share memorable moments or events that happened that made each of you feel gratitude.

Take Action: Helping others is a great way to feel some control over the present. The City of Los Angeles has many opportunities for volunteering. Sign up at

Manage Stress and Anxiety: Eating healthy is an important step in managing stress and anxiety. Try cooking new recipes together as a family and create new traditions. The Los Angeles Public Library is a great place to check out new cookbooks for free.

Student Library Card

Los Angeles Unified students are automatically assigned a Student Success Card. That means you can use your card to access all online resources from LAPL. You don't need the physical card, just the library card number and PIN. Don't know your library card number or PIN? Fill out this form and LAPL will look up the information. Please visit for more information

Video on how to access the Library online with your Student Success Card

Reseda Elementary School

Principal Rosemarie Kubena

We are a Leader in Me School and this is a perfect example of using Habit 6, Synergize, to celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America during National Hispanic Heritage Month ( September 15th to October 15th).

Third graders have been learning about different Latinx leaders and cultures to celebrate Latinx Heritage Month (September 15- October 15). Last week, students learned about the life and art of Frida Kahlo. Each student colored a small piece of a larger puzzle. Together, they practiced Habit 6: Synergize when they combined their puzzle pieces to create a large collaborative portrait of Kahlo. We all learned that teamwork makes the dream work!

We have officially entered the Fall and it is October. We are looking forward to all the fun Halloween activities that our Reseda CoS elementary schools have planned. It will be a Spooktacular month!

October is also Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrating it in the classroom can be a great way to honor students’ backgrounds and open doors to conversations on different cultures.

Click on the link to discover “Meaningful texts to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month” by CommonLit

Meaningful Text CommonLit

Let’s continue to engage our English language learners as we are back to in person learning. Take advantage of these amazing resources on Discovery Ed. Let’s bring storybooks to life!

Check out all of the “Vooks” they have to offer for grades K-2

Discovery Education

Special Education



Hello! My name is Amy Besser and I am excited to serve as an Assistant Principal, Elementary Instructional Specialist for both Newcastle Elementary School and Academy for Enriched Sciences. For the past 27 years, I have enjoyed serving as a classroom teacher, mentor teacher, Instructional Coach, Intervention Coordinator and Primary Promise Coordinator. I believe that every student is unique and it is my goal to offer the very best opportunities for learning to our students, to ensure that they are receiving the support and services they need, to be an advocate for families, and to continue to support the amazing work that teachers do to make the classroom magic happen. I am thrilled to work with the Reseda Community of Schools and look forward to a successful school year for everyone.


My name is Andrew Kim and I am a new Assistant Principal at Reseda Charter High School and Middle Grades. I’ve been a K-12 educator in general and special education for over 20 years. I spent sixteen of those years at Chatsworth High School as a teacher and athletic coach. Most recently, I served as the Problem-Solving Data Coordinator and Testing Coordinator at Venice High School and an Assistant Principal at Germain Academy. I am looking forward to helping to build a culture of continual improvement to help all of our students achieve positive outcomes. I am committed to educational equity, inclusion, continual improvement, and high expectations for all!

Fun Facts: I graduated with an M.Ed. at UCLA and am currently a doctoral candidate at UCLA in the Ed.D. program, but I am unable to wear UCLA apparel because I'm a USC Trojan at heart. Fight on! I enjoy coaching various sports, most recently Olympic Recurve Archery, my daughter Isabella’s sport. I am an undercover nerd, amateur astronomer, and watch science videos until I fall asleep!

Social Emotional Learning

Stacy Lieberman, Systems of Support Advisor

Social Emotional Wellness - Managing Emotions

As we move toward healing from the past year and half, it is important to acknowledge everything that has happened during that time and all of the emotions we are experiencing. The School Experience Survey that we take every fall tells us that only 47% of our students say they can clearly name their feelings. With the high number of referrals for suicidal ideation, self injury, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, that is a problem.

It is important to build our Emotional Literacy and teach our children how to manage emotions in a healthy way. This is also important because it is hard to have empathy for how others are feeling when you don’t understand how you are feeling. Here are some ways to start to build Emotional Literacy:

  1. Model how you are feeling for your child. “I feel frustrated that we left late this morning because I don’t want to miss my meeting.”

  2. Make a list of feeling words and post it where your child can see it. Play a game and ask your child to add new feeling words to the list.

  3. Talk with your child about how the characters in books and movies are feeling.

The more you talk with your child about feelings, your child will learn that it is okay to express feelings.

Click on the link below

By: Azin Ehsan-Sayson

Mental Health Consultant – LDNW

School Mental Health

LAUSD Student Health and Human Services


Reseda COS Map



Significant Updates:

  • Quarantined asymptomatic, unvaccinated students with a negative test taken after day 5 can return to school on day 8 with proof of a negative test and if they remain asymptomatic.

  • Close contacts who completed their quarantine period and continue to be asymptomatic no longer require Community Engagement entry or exit interviews to return to school or work.

  • Vaccinated, asymptomatic students and employees who submitted verification of their vaccinated status through the Daily Pass are not required to quarantine, if they are identified as a close contact.

  • All asymptomatic close contacts that have been quarantined due to potential exposure will be able to test at any COVID-19 test site or with a mobile testing team, so long as they remain asymptomatic.

  • Students and employees who are symptomatic must be isolated regardless of vaccination and testing status. See section “Monitoring of Unconfirmed Symptomatic Cases”

  • Please contact CE Team at 213-725-5637 from 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (M-F) & 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Sat-Sun)


Learn about jobs at Amazon in the Los Angeles Area!

Amazon is hosting Weekly Office Hours for LAUSD Students to present JOB Opportunities and Hiring Process. A Staffing Administrator will be available on the call to answer questions.

Meeting occurs every Friday from

2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

Meeting ID: 983 8453 6252

Passcode: 603977

Link to Flyers:


Support for parents so they can help their learners

Parent Coaching tutors are qualified and prepared to help parents and students build the foundations for academic success.