Library Policies & Procedures

Library Policies & Procedures.mp3

Library Rules

1. Be Polite

Being polite means that students treat others as they would like to be treated. They use kind words such as "please", "thank you", and "you're welcome". They are supportive of each other. They are open-minded to others' ideas and opinions. They only touch property that is theirs or others' with the owner's permission. They are careful with others' property and are careful not to damage or destroy them.

2. Be Productive

While in the Library with their classes, students must be continuously striving to produce quality work whether as a part of a lesson or some other academic activity such as checking out library books.

3. Be Prepared

Students should come to the Library with all the necessary materials they need to be "productive". This means that secondary students have brought a current school ID to check out library books. Students, if requested, have brought a Chromebook or laptop if working online or something to write with and write on if doing non-computer work. Being prepared also means that students come with a positive, motivated attitude and a willingness to "get things done".

4. Be Prompt/Present

Students who come as a class are expected to arrive with their class and leave with their class. Students who are visiting the Library on their own must be mindful of the time and must return to class in a timely manner. The Library and Library Aide will generally try to gently remind students, especially young students. However, it is still the responsibility of each student to get to class on time.

While generally very rare, classes that are extremely disruptive despite several requests to follow Library rules may be asked to leave the library and come back on another day.

Reserving the Library

In an effort to avoid overbooking and other scheduling conflicts, teachers are asked to book the Library using the online reservation form. Please allow at least 24 hours for a response. Once the request has been reviewed, your name and reservation will appear on the Library calendar. This will serve as your confirmation. If you do not see your reservation on the calendar or have received a follow-up email indicating there is a problem, please contact the teacher librarian as soon as possible.

If you would like the teacher librarian to conduct an information literacy, research, or digital citizenship lesson, please allow at least 72 hours advance notice (not including non-school days). The teacher librarian may request a follow-up meeting in order to determine the scope or focus of the lesson. If a lesson is being requested, please email the teacher librarian directly. In an effort to accommodate multiple Library requests, a teacher librarian lesson can also be conducted in your classroom instead of the library depending on the focus or scope of the lesson.

Visiting the Library during Instructional Time

Students who wish to visit the Library during instructional time MUST have a legible, SIGNED, and DATED hall pass. The hall pass must also have the name of the student, the name of the teacher sending the student, and the reason for the student's visit. A clipboard or other physical object will not be accepted as a hall pass.

Cell pHone Use

Cell phone use in the Library is strictly forbidden. Students are required to leave their cell phones in their backpacks. Cell phones will be confiscated if they are taken out. During non-instructional times (before school, recess, nutrition, lunch, after school) students must step out of the Library to use their cell phones.

food and Drink

Students are given plenty of time during secondary nutrition, elementary recess, and all lunches to eat and drink. Students, therefore, are expected to eat and drink before or after using the Library only. Gum is also never allowed.