Our Intentions

Our intentions serve as our guiding light–Our North Star–for how we engage in this work. We also grow two trees from one seed so to speak, as our intentions serve as the basis for the HEET daily social-emotional learning themes for students and adults in our community of schools too: Make it Happen Mondays; Turn Up Tuesdays; Well-being Wednesdays; Think About It Thursdays; and Freedom Fridays.

Make Change Happen

Collectively activate and ignite our intent and willingness to learn, grow, and change everyday to improve outcomes for Black students.

Be Well

Ensure that Social- Emotional Learning is culturally responsive to better create healthy physical and mental pathways that promote wellness and eliminate harm.

Lift Every Voice

Elevate and amplify the voices of those often silenced in conversations about the work of the educational enterprise–students, parents, caregivers, and the community.

Dream Freedom

Imagine a future in which we liberate and transform ourselves and our schools to ensure that Black students thrive.

Turn Up!

Refuse traditional, technical, and bureaucratic ways of being, doing, knowing, and becoming.

Leverage Love

Personify a rigorous love for Black children encompassing the highest expectations for them and the adults that work with them to realize their academic and personal potential and our collective futures.

Be Thoughtful

Reflect on our work and why changes to our instructional and operational practices are necessary to best support our students.