Critique Sentence Frames

Here are some sentence frames to help when we critique the work of our fellow Melrose STARRs.

Say a Praise OR a Praise & Question OR a Praise & Polish


I notice how ___________ because ______________.

You did a good job with ____________ because ____________.

The ____________ part is really good because ___________________.

Praise & Question

I think this part is good because ______________. What about ___________?

You did a great job with __________ because ___________. And why ________________?

___________ is very clear, but why ______________?

Praise & Polish

This is awesome because _________. In the future, you can _______________.

I love the way you ______________. I think it would improve the _________ if you ____________.

This is good work. I can tell you worked hard. It would be better if ________________.