Strood Academy

GCSE Results Day 2023
Thursday 24th August 2023

Congratulations to all pupils in Year 11 who are celebrating their GCSE results at Strood Academy. Our pupils have shown incredible determination, continuous resilience and perseverance during their GCSE courses and achieved some excellent results. The well-deserved results now enable our pupils the choice and opportunity to progress onto the next stage of their education with many choosing to remain into the sixth form at Strood Academy. We also take this moment to recognise the progress that our pupils have made as they have developed into well-rounded citizens ready for the 21st century. This success has been achieved not only through the dedication of our pupils but also through the highly skilled teaching and learning which has been demonstrated throughout their courses. We take a moment to acknowledge and thank all staff at Strood Academy for their support in ensuring our pupils are best prepared for their next steps.

A number of subjects at Strood Academy continue to achieve exceptional outcomes which include photography, catering, health and fitness, art and design, citizenship, dance, business, health and social care and media studies. 

Our results highlights for our Year 11 pupils include:

Mr Richardson, Principal commented: “We take this moment to reiterate how immensely proud we are of all the achievements of our pupils. They have truly demonstrated the school values of being respectful, kind, inquisitive and resilient during their studies at Strood Academy. We wish all pupils all the very best in their onward study, training and employment. Our teachers have worked tirelessly to ensure students are all able to progress onto destinations of their choice, and we look forward to seeing what they will achieve in the future.”

Post-16 Results Day
Thursday 17th August 2023

To see the article about our Post-16 Results Day 2023, please click the link below!