Leigh Academy Blackheath

GCSE Results Day 2023
Thursday 24th August 2023

Our founding students are an exceptional group of young people and it has been a huge privilege for the LAB community to celebrate with them today as they collected their GCSE and vocational results. Undeterred by the challenges of recent years, this ambitious cohort has shown great resilience and huge determination to succeed.  There have been some fantastic personal achievements recognised in the grades awarded and, collectively, they have given the academy a fantastic first set of formal examination results. 

Emma Smith, Principal, commented “We are so proud of all of our founding students today. Their results are very well deserved and constitute formal recognition of the hard work and dedication they have put into their studies over the last 5 years. It has been a real challenge for this cohort, not only have they had to navigate the disruption caused by the pandemic, but they have been our pioneer learners at LAB: studying in 3 different buildings and growing in parallel with the academy. Their achievements are nothing more than an inspiration for us all, especially to the LAB Year 11 cohorts who follow in their footsteps.  We congratulate each and every one of them on their success.” 

Students who are celebrating their exceptional achievements today include:

Recognition should also be given to the wonderful staff at LAB who have taught, supported and inspired our students to achieve their very best this summer; their relentless determination to see this particular cohort succeed has been inspirational.