Oaks Primary Academy Newsletter

Monday 16th October 2023 

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we enter into a very autumnal final week of term, we are focusing on helping others and charity. We look forward to our fundraising day for the Abilities in me Charity on Tuesday 17th October when we will all dress in brightly coloured clothing (please see the charity tab of this newsletter for more details about the charity and donating). We have also been preparing for our World Food Celebration at St Martin's Church on Friday 20th October at 10 am. The children can't wait to exhibit all of their work about food around the world and how we are one big community. 

Please also remember that Friday is our last day of this term and we will return following the two week autumn break on Monday November 6th.  

Please can you also ensure that you send your child(ren) into school with a coat as colder weather takes hold. Children may aso need hats and gloves, and as always, please ensure all items are labelled.

Yours sincerely and I look forward to seeing many of you at St Martin's Church on Friday,

Mr Moore

Thank you to all those who have been able to bring in donations for our Harvest appeal. 

All of these items will be brought to St. Martin's Church and will be used to support our community. 

Follow the St Martin's Facebook page to see when they are running their 'Grab 'n' Go' free meal in a bag next. 

Key Dates and assemblies for Term 1: 

Visit our website for all term dates and INSET days for the academic year 2023-2024. 

16.10.23 - Whole School Assembly - World Food Day 

17.10.23 - Fundraising: The Abilities in Me Foundation. WEAR COLOURFUL CLOTHES! Please donate via the My Child At School App. Click here for more information. 

20.10.23 - Harvest Celebration at St Martin's Church - Starts at 10am. 

20.10.23 - Last Day of Term. New Term Starts Monday 6th November 2023

Key dates and assemblies for Term 2: 

6.11.23 - New Term Starts 

6.11.23 - Remembrance Day assembly

13.11.23 - Anti-bullying week 

15.11.23 - Parent Teacher consultations - more details to follow 

20.11.23 - UK Parliament Week 

27.11.23 - Interfaith Week - Assembly led by St Martin's 

4.12.23 - World Volunteer Day 

11.12.23 - Christmas 

12.12.23 - Christingle Service at St Martin's - details to be shared in Term 2. 

15.12.23 - Last Day of Term. 

2.1.24  - Tuesday 2nd January  - Term 3 starts